The following is Suburban West’s phased approach to the workforce’s re-entry to the Association headquarters, which takes into account guidance, regulations, and orders issued by federal, state and local governments and agencies.
These protocols should be in place at all times for the protection of staff and members as we transition back to the workplace and to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Staff Health and Cleaning Protocols
- Face masks must be worn at all times.
- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible.
- Use hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes as frequently as possible.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a sleeve or elbow.
- Do not shake hands.
- Regularly clean surface areas and equipment around your work area.
- Wipe down office equipment after each use.
- Do not use the phone, supplies, or workstation other than your own.
- Until further notice, meals may not be consumed in either suite.
- No communal coffee/tea/water/food will be served. Single-serve coffee/tea may be served.
- Use disposable products when possible.
- Employees should notify the CEO immediately if they experience COVID-19 symptoms.
Social Distancing
- Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other individuals.
- Do not gather in groups larger than 10 people.
- Virtual meetings are highly recommended when possible.
- Office visits and staff travel are suspended until further notice.
- When necessary, use larger meeting rooms to ensure spatial distancing.
- Only visitors with appointments will be provided access to the suites.
- Travel restrictions: Anyone who has travelled outside Pennsylvania within 14 days of their visit to the Association must have a negative COVID -19 test within 3 days of access to the suites
- Visitors must wear masks and practice social distancing.
- Avoid more than one person in kitchen area at once.
Physical Workspace
- The janitorial service company will clean and disinfect the building frequently, especially high-touch areas.
- Utilize napkins at building entrances to access doors and other high-touch surfaces.
- Follow “one-way” directional signs to access and depart the second floor.
- All employees and visitors should enter each suite through the front door and exit through the back doors.
- Deliveries and mail will be deposited outside of each suite. Parcels will be wiped down before entering the suites.
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Anne Marie Matteo via email at