Designations signify that a REALTOR® has taken prescribed courses of education, typically, at a higher level than other real estate courses and have met other requirements (i.e. experience, performance, membership). These courses help members increase skills, proficiency, and knowledge within a particular real estate discipline.
All the designation and certification classes (except ALHS®) offered through the School have been developed and approved by the National Association of REALTORS® and its affiliated Institutes, Societies, and Councils. In addition to providing Designation credit, these courses typically provide Pennsylvania License Renewal credit and, occasionally, other credits (PA Broker License, Delaware, New Jersey, CLE).
Click here for the full calendar of designation courses
About the Designations
Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR®) – The ABR® designation is designed for real estate buyer agents who focus on working directly with buyer-clients. When you decide to earn your ABR®, you gain valuable real estate education that elevates your skills and knowledge in the eyes of homebuyers.
Accredited Luxury Home Specialist (ALHS®) – The ALHS® program is designed to provide agents with advanced training in the field of selling luxury homes. Students who earn the ALHS® designation are positioned to increase their profitability, enhance their service levels and confidently expand their business in the luxury market.
Certified Residential Specialist (CRS®) – CRS® training gives REALTORS® in-depth knowledge about business planning, making listing presentations, negotiating and closing smoother transactions, working in the buyers’ and sellers’ best interest and building a referral business. While there are intensive education and experience required; it pays dividends. You’ll be in elite company as less than 4 percent of all licensed REALTORS® are Certified Residential Specialists.
Performance Management Network (PMN®) – PMN® is a next-generation REALTOR® designation designed to give you real-world tools and a connection to a network like no other. Diving into hot topics such as leadership, negotiating, networking and business planning, the PMN’s suite of professional performance training courses are focused on keeping your business out front and on top of an ever-changing market.
Short Sales and Foreclosures Resource (SFR®) – The SFR® certification is designed for REALTORS® who want to increase their ability to close short sales and foreclosures. The certification emboldens agents with the proper tools and training so as to use these specialty areas to build their business for the long term.
Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES®) – The SRES® Designation helps REALTORS® better address the mature needs of homebuyers and sellers aged 50 years or older. Administered by the Seniors Real Estate Specialist Council, the Designation provides critical information and resources to serve this rapidly growing client market.
Seller Representative Specialist (SRS®) – The SRS® Designation is designed for real estate seller agents who want to elevate their professional standards and enhance their personal performance The Designation takes a new agent to an accomplished level sooner and an already successful agent to an even higher level of competency.
Have questions about Designations, their requirements and what’s the best path for your career, contact Gail Parke at or call 610-560-4900.
NAR Designations Information
REALTOR® University (Online Designation Courses)