Click here to make your RPAC Investment today!
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The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) is what stands between you and the constant threats to your business – a sales tax on your commission, higher taxes on your business and increasing the Real Estate Taxes. Members who then contribute to RPAC not only help improve the business climate, but also reduce liability and ultimately receive direct savings.
Throughout the year, members are encouraged to make a voluntary financial contribution that really is an investment in the future of the industry. 100% of your contribution is used to elect pro-REALTOR® candidates, regardless of party affiliation.
Click here to access the list of 2020 RPAC investors (as of October 12, 2020).
RPAC Success
To best demonstrate this, the following are just the latest legislative victories that your RPAC investment has had a vital role in helping both REALTORS® and homeowners.
- Provided support to local candidates in Delaware County, Chester County and the Main Line
- Lobbied against an increase to the local portion of the real estate transfer tax in Upper Providence, Delaware County
- Supporting the implementation of housing elements within Chester County’s plan for growth, Landscapes II
- Helped pass the Municipal Code and Ordinance Act to better protect home sellers and buyers from overzealous municipal code inspectors at the time of resale
- Opposing repeated calls to tax services, including real estate commissions
- Opposing real estate transfer tax increase
- Protecting affordable, safe financing for American families by supporting legislation that would strengthen the FHA mortgage insurance program, make permanent the higher FHA loan limits and exercise caution before considering additional proposals that may have a profound adverse impact on FHA programs that serve such a critical role for our nation’s families
- Increasing the political and grassroots power of REALTORS®
- Keeping nationally chartered banks out of the Real Estate brokerage business
Click here for more details on the latest legislative successes and challenges.
If you have questions about RPAC or are interested in making your investment, please contact Steve Farace at or call 610-560-4800.
RPAC Disclaimer
Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts. The National Association of REALTORS® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Your contribution is split between National RPAC and the State PAC in your state. Contact your State Association or PAC for information about the percentages of your contribution provided to National RPAC and to the State PAC. The National RPAC portion is used to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116.
NAR RPAC Webpage
PAR RPAC Webpage
The REALTOR® Party Webpage