Suburban West provides the following service to members who are interested in soliciting help from the membership for a community/charitable event or cause for which they are personally involved. Below is the current list of events/causes that have been submitted by Suburban West members who are seeking either volunteers or donations. If you are interested in having an event or cause listed, please click here to access the Community Service/Charity Bulletin Board Submission Form. Once the form is completed, please email to Steve Farace at
Please note that the inclusion of events and/or causes on this page does not reflect an endorsement or recommendation from the Suburban West Realtors® Association for said event or cause. These events are submitted by Suburban West members and are NOT vetted any further by the Suburban West Realtors® Association. This service is meant to promote events and causes not affiliated with real estate company charitable efforts.
Zummo Bikes & Scholars – This 503(c)(3) non-profit is based out of Zummo Hardware in Norristown. It’s owner created a program where kids from a few local Norristown elementary schools, with perfect attendance, receive a free bike, helmet and lock. This program is being expanded to now provide qualifying students (with perfect attendance) free math tutoring at Mathnasium. With the help of a local Realtor® member Kelly Egan, the organization is seeking corporate and indvidual donations to help fund this expanded program. Click here for more information. Submitted by Kelly Egan;; 610-500-3090.